Professor Zhonghua Chen is Associate Dean (International) at the School of Science, and Education Leader of the National Vegetable Protected Cropping Centre (NVPCC) at Western Sydney University (WSU). Professor Chen has a globally recognised track record of research excellence in the fields of agriculture, plant science and evolutionary biology. Since 2005, his research has resulted in academic papers in more than 130 publications including high-quality research articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA), Trends in Plant Science, The Plant Cell, eLife, Ecology Letters, Plant Physiology, New Physiologist, Plant Biotechnology Journal, and The Plant Journal. Prof. Chen is the also Editor in Chief for Plant Growth Regulation and a reviewer for more than 60 international journals. He has been the recipient of research grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC), Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA), CRDC, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) and has netted several research awards. Prof. Chen is an international referee for grant applications to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Netherland Organization for Scientific Research, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Natural Science Foundation of China, the South Africa National Research Foundation and others.
Prof. Zhonghua Chen
Research Program 2: Deputy Lead