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Media release
Bravo Gazpacho
See how Bravo Gazpacho works with FFS at SIFT WA to produce their top-quality gazpacho, blending tradition with innovation for the perfect taste
Working together to meet a growing demand. Loic Munso, founder of Everboost Sea Moss is currently utilising SIFT to scale-up production of his Sea Moss products.
Chris Wilkins – LLEAF Showcase (Research Showcase 2024)
Chris Wilkins presenting a showcase from LLEAF (Research Showcase 2024)
‘Characterisation of capsaicinoids’ with Mursleen Yasin
Watch FFS PhD student Mursleen Yasin talk about the 'Characterisation of capsaicinoids' FFS project
For Food’s Sake: Fostering collaboration for a prosperous and sustainable future
Media release
Future Food Systems (FFS) proudly presents For Food’s Sake, an unmissable event poised to spark transformative collaborations in the agrifood sector, empowering both industry and communities to thrive.
Flourish through collaboration: For Food’s Sake is heading to Coffs Harbour
Media release
Coffs Harbour, renowned for its amazing coastal scenery and vibrant agrifood sector, is set to host the eagerly anticipated third summit, For Food’s Sake in February 2025. The event, organised by Future Food Systems (FFS), will play an important role in promoting key technologies, innovations, partnerships and trends shaping Australia’s food systems along with highlighting the region's commitment to quality and community-centred economic growth through its celebrated local producers, farmers, restaurateurs, brewers, artisans, and manufacturers.
Background Report for Developing Innovative Agrifood Ecosystems in Sunshine Coast SA4, QLD
This background report provides a comprehensive overview of contextual factors influencing food systems in the Sunshine Coast and Noosa region, also known as the Sunshine Coast SA4 region, in Queensland
‘Characterisation of capsaicinoids’ with Dr Sunil Panchal
Watch Dr Sunil Panchal talk about the 'Characterisation of capsaicinoids' FFS project
David Doepel – Program 3 overview + Sustainable Innovative Food Technologies Centre (SIFT) (Research Showcase 2024)
David Doepel – Program 3 overview + Sustainable Innovative Food Technologies Centre (SIFT) (Research Showcase 2024)
Background Report for Food Hub Development in Coffs Harbour, NSW
This background report provides a comprehensive overview of the current food systems in the Coffs Harbour region, NSW, as part of the preparatory work for developing a food and agribusiness innovation hub.
Dr Jack Adams – Coffs Agrifood Living Lab (CALL) (Research Showcase 2024)
Dr Jack Adams (QUT) – 'Coffs Agrifood Living Lab (CALL)' (FFS Research Showcase 2024)
Andrew Tilley – Value-adding to Globe Artichokes (Research Showcase 2024)
Andrew Tilley (Murdoch University and FFS PhD student) – 'Value-adding to Globe Artichokes' (FFS Research Showcase 2024)
Dr Richard Thomas and Gareema Pandey – Optimising blueberry fruit nutritional quality
Dr Richard Thomas (WSU and FFS project leader) and Gareema Pandey (WSU & FFS PhD student) – 'Optimising blueberry fruit nutritional quality using controlled spectra and mild stress treatment via polytunnel innovation' (FFS Research Showcase 2024)
Dr Lisa Tam – How can the attributes consumers value be determined for NSW horticultural products
Dr Lisa Tam (QUT and FFS project leader) – 'How can the attributes consumers value be determined for NSW horticultural products' (FFS Research Showcase 2024)
‘Coffs Agrifood Living Lab’ with Dr Jack Adams
Dr Jack Adams discusses the 'Coffs Agrifood Living Lab' project's background and goals.
‘Improving plant proteins functionality and bioactivity’ with Dr Rishi Naik
Watch Dr Rishi Naik talk about the 'Improving plant proteins functionality and bioactivity' FFS project
On the rise: ARYZTA joins Future Food Systems as an industry partner
Media release
Future Food Systems (FFS) is proud to announce the inclusion of international bakery company ARYZTA as an industry partner in the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC). This partnership marks a significant step forward in advancing Australia's agrifood sector and fostering innovation in the industry.
‘Atmospheric Freeze-drying’ with Dr Francisco Trujillo & Nikunj Naliyadhara (PhD student)
Watch Dr Francisco Trujillo & Nikunj Naliyadhara (PhD student) talk and give details about the 'Atmospheric Freeze-drying' FFS project
Mt Lindesay
Dr Mark McHenry and his wife, Dr Julia Anwar McHenry grow specialty globe artichokes on Mt Lindesay Farm, near Denmark, WA. As partners in a four-year, Future Food Systems-backed project, they work with researchers at Murdoch University including ANPC scientist Dr Ruey Leng Loo and PhD student Andrew Tilley to quantify beneficial properties in globe artichokes, notably long-chain inulin.
Unravelling inulin molecules in food sources using a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization magnetic resonance mass spectrometry (MALDI-MRMS) pipeline
Inulin, a polysaccharide characterized by a β-2,1 fructosyl-fructose structure terminating in a glucosyl moiety, is naturally present in plant roots and tubers. Current methods provide average degrees of polymerization (DP) but lack information on the distribution and absolute concentration of each DP.
Collaborating for the future of food
Media release
Representatives spanning Australia's agrifood, research and governmental sectors are set to converge on Western Australia this week for Future Food Systems’ pinnacle event, For Food's Sake.
2022/2023 Annual Report
The Future Food Systems CRC 2022/2023 Annual Report provides an overview of project achievements, financials, CRC case studies and highlights of the fourth year of operation.
Mahesh Galappaththi, PhD student
Working with mycologists at Murdoch University and with innovative growers Drs Mark and Julia Anwar McHenry on their farm near Denmark, WA, FFS-backed PhD student Mahesh Galappaththi, originally from Sri Lanka, is exploring ways to ensure successful colonisation of host trees’ root zones by some of the world’s most delectable truffle species.
Expanding collaborative networks: Food and Agribusiness Network joins Future Food Systems as program partner
Media release
Future Food Systems (FFS) CEO Dr James Krahe has announced the inclusion of agrifood industry Cluster the Food and Agribusiness Network (FAN) as a core collaborating participant in the CRC. The partnership is set to accelerate the Sunshine Coast-based cluster’s activities and progress towards key milestones, enabling FAN to leverage Future Food Systems’ nationwide connections to research, industry and government. The collaboration is expected to benefit the agrifood sector, not just in Queensland but across Australia.
Bringing agrifood stakeholders together to drive collaboration and value-adding innovation in Coffs Harbour
Media release
Stakeholders from across Coffs Harbour’s agrifood sector are set to come together on October 25 to celebrate the launch of an exciting new project, the Coffs Agrifood Living Lab (CALL), designed to boost the region’s economic potential, increase food production and foster a sustainable, resilient local agrifood network.
Future Food Systems – Company profile
Founded in July 2019, Future Food Systems Cooperative Research Centre partners leading Australian universities with industry and government bodies to deliver impactful research in the food systems domain.
Vertical Patch
The Vertical Patch team explains the company’s state-of-the-art indoor growing system.
Here, the Vertical Patch team explains the company’s state-of-the-art indoor growing system and Seagrass discusses its ongoing win-win relationship with this unusual supplier.
Andrew Tilley – Phenolics in Globe Artichokes (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
Murdoch University PhD student Andrew Tilley presenting 'Phenolics in Globe Artichokes' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Assoc. Prof. Kirsty Bayliss – Novel microbiome technologies to increase profitability for Aus horticulture (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
Murdoch University Assoc. Prof. Kirsty Bayliss presenting 'Novel microbiome technologies to increase profitability for Aus horticulture' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Dr Ruey-Leng Loo – Advanced Analytics for Value-Added Solutions (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
Murdoch University's Dr Ruey-Leng Loo presenting 'Advanced Analytics for Value-Added Solutions' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Dr Hongwei Liu – Novel bio-based solutions for effective management of key root pathogens (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
WSU's Dr Hongwei Liu presenting 'Novel bio-based solutions for effective management of key root pathogens' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Prof. Zhonghua Chen – Sustainable fertigation for high yield and quality vegetables in PC (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
WSU Prof. Zhonghua Chen presenting 'Sustainable fertigation for high yield and quality vegetables in Protected Cropping' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Phil Thomas – Microbial rhizosphere diversity in glasshouse hydroponic crops (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
UNE PhD student Phil Thomas presenting 'Microbial rhizosphere diversity in glasshouse hydroponic crops' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Lijun Summerhayes – How does urban food planning occur in Australia? (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
QUT PhD student Lijun Summerhayes presenting 'How does urban food planning occur in Australia?' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Prof. Hoon Han – Towards a Smart Agribusiness Sector in the Namoi (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
UNSW Prof. Hoon Han presenting 'Towards a Smart Agribusiness Sector in the Namoi' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Natalie Aaron – Circular economy framework to manufacture sustainable construction materials (FFS Research Showcase 2023)
UNSW PhD student Natalie Aaron presenting 'Circular economy framework to manufacture sustainable construction materials' at the 2023 FFS Research Showcase
Namal Jayasuriya, PhD student
Eranda Namal Jayasuriya moved from Sri Lanka to Singapore to Sydney to pursue a passion for computer science. As part of the CRC’s ‘IoT for indoor cropping’ project team, he’s conducting sophisticated image analysis to monitor indoor crops
2024 Future Food Systems Summit Announcement
Media release
FFS CEO, Dr James Krahe today announced that Perth, Western Australia, will host the second iteration of the Future Food Systems Summit, titled For Food’s Sake - It’s our future, in February 2024.
Prof. Zhonghua Chen
Prof. Zhonghua Chen, globally lauded scientist and Education Leader at Western Sydney University’s National Vegetable Protected Cropping Centre, talks about two projects he leads for FFS, exploring strategies for cooling and sustainable fertigation in glasshouse vegetable production.
Improving Blueberry Fruit Nutritional Quality through Physiological and Genetic Interventions: A Review of Current Research and Future Directions
This review highlights how interventions such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), photo-selective films, and exposure of plants to mild stresses, alongside developing new varieties with desired traits, could be used to optimise the nutritional quality, particularly the content of polyphenols, of blueberry grown under covers.
Magnesium Citrate Powders from Waste Bitterns via Crystallization and Spray Drying
The pilot-scale production of two magnesium citrate products, using a waste bittern discharged from a salt work as the raw material, was conducted in this study.
Dr Alex Soeriyadi – LLEAF
Hear Sydney-based agripreneur Alex Soeriyadi, an industry partner in the FFSCRC’s ‘Smart glass’, ‘Glasshouse films’ and ‘Methane reduction’ projects, discuss his light-spectra-shifting, crop-enhancing agricultural film LLEAF-Red and the trials it is undergoing at Western Sydney University.
Prof. Oula Ghannoum
Hear Western Sydney University Professor Oula Ghannoum, crop scientist, key researcher on several FFSCRC projects and the project lead for the new $6.8m 'Automated Crop Monitoring for Protected Cropping Systems' project.
Dist. Prof. David Tissue
Hear Dist. Prof. Tissue talk about the ongoing trials of new retrofit films that aim to reduce heat and boost growth and yield in glasshouse-grown crops, involving Western Sydney University scientists, Hort Innovation, various industry partners and FFS.
2021/2022 Annual Report
The Future Food Systems CRC 2021/2022 Annual Report provides an overview of project achievements, financials, CRC case studies and highlights of the third year of operation.
Media release – Future Food Systems CRC
Media release
Future Food Systems CRC is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr James Krahe as its new chief executive officer. Formerly the Innovation Manager at Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL), Dr Krahe will commence in the role on 16 January 2023, replacing interim-CEO, Mr Richard Norton.
Commercialisation of Australian native rice – Prof. Sagadevan G. Mundree
Professor Sagadevan Mundree, Head of QUT’s School of Biological and Environmental Science, is helping to turn a low-value commodity, faba beans, into healthy, high-value baked goods. Hear Prof. Mundree talk about his work in value-adding and future foods, at 2020's Research Showcase
New product development
This report was authored by Maria Veronica Chandra-Hioe with contributions from Merran White.
EcoMag video
CRC industry partner EcoMag has successfully scaled up production of its high-grade magnesium ingredients thanks to a Future Food Systems CRC project with UNSW, Now, it’s selling its products worldwide.
Pivot: Diversifying Australia’s Trade and Investment Profile
In recent decades, Australia’s exports have been driven by growth in demand from East Asia, particularly China, which has contributed significantly to our national prosperity. However, concentration of Australia’s export markets may reduce our economic resilience and could expose us to political and security risks. While Australia has capitalised on its natural advantages to grow its exports, particularly in the resources and agricultural sectors, a low level of economic diversity in Australia’s exports may create longer-term challenges for economic growth. This report explores export diversity and makes recommendations to government as to how this can be encouraged.
FOOD COLD CHAIN OPTIMISATION: Improving energy productivity using real time food condition monitoring through the chain
Compiled by the AAEP, with funding from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, this 2017 report investigates factors that must be taken into account in any effort to improve cold-chain management in Australia, and explores the deployment of sensor technology, data monitoring and IoT to provide better identification of temperature control issues along the supply chain from packing room to retail shelf – particularly for temperature-sensitive, perishable and high-value goods. Issues of shelf life, spoilage and safety are key concerns. Potential savings are significant. Technology will enable end-to-end traceability and eventually, tools like disposable sensors embedded in product packaging yielding real-time end-to-end temperature readings.
ANFAB Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Australian Native Food and Botanicals (ANFAB), previously operating as ANFIL - Australia Native Food Industry Limited, is the peak national body representing the interests of this rapidly growing sector. ANFAB worked with industry, federal and state governments, and other organisations to determine and prioritise the R&D and market development strategies required to progress the industry, as detailed in this document. The vision? To transform Australia’s native foods and botanicals sector into a globally successful national industry that is culturally inclusive, sustainable, ethical, agile and profitable.
The National Food Waste Strategy Feasibility Study – Final Report
The $400,000 National Food Waste Strategy Feasibility Study was funded by the federal government’s Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre(FIAL) as a follow-up to FIAL’s Roadmap for Reducing Australia’s Food Waste by Half by 2030. The study looked at the nature, scale, causes and impacts of food loss and waste across Australia, identifying ‘hot spots’ for waste and environmental impacts as well as testing and costing scenarios. The study’s authors conclude that the government’s target to halve food waste nationally by 2030 is achievable, provided this effort is industry-led and backed by a ‘supportive policy framework’.
Reimagining retail for the Roaring Twenties: The Australian 2022 FMCG outlook (Inside FMCG/IRI)
A guide to the trends that will shape retail and the fast-moving consumer goods sector – including food and beverage products and health supplements – in 2022, compiled by Inside FMCG and predictive analytics company IRI.
Circular Food Futures: What Will They Look Like?
This original paper from consultant town planner and author of Rethinking the City, Dr Steven Liaros, explores how circular economy (CE) debates might contribute to, and support, the changes needed for a sustainable future.
What is blockchain?
A two-minute introduction to distributed ledger technology
Cellular Agriculture: An opportunity to diversify Australia’s
This White Paper details the challenges faced by the cellular agriculture industry and makes three key recommendations Cellular Agriculture Australia believes would enable the industry to reach its full potential and become globally competitive. In summary, they are: growing the pool of Australian graduates skilled in relevant areas (biomedical engineering, food science, agricultural science and synthetic biology); adding cross-disciplinary expertise from biotechnology, agriculture and food science, and from industry, to Australia's cellular agriculture research; and establishing at-scale manufacturing capabilities and infrastructure, including publicly-funded facilities, to support viable commercialisation of the industry.
Scaling technology and innovations for future food systems: Sustainable Development Impact Summit (video)
Emerging technologies and innovations – from food-sensing and precision agriculture to personalised nutrition – offer opportunities to transform food systems, yet adoption has been slow. This World Economic Forum session explores key learnings from country-based innovation hubs across regions that could help accelerate this transformation.
Celebrating Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations
The Australian agrifood sector’s willingness to innovate and add-value are key ingredients for success, as exemplified by the 50 innovations profiled in the 2021 edition of FIAL's annual Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations compendium.
Our Future World: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades
In this ‘once-in-a-decade’ report, Australia’s national science agency identifies seven global megatrends that will shape challenges and opportunities in the years to 2042 and guide long-term investment, strategic and policy direction across government, industry, the not-for-profit sector and the broader Australian community.
AgriFutures Australia Research and Innovation Strategic Plan 2022-2027
In this, its ‘16:5:5 Roadmap’, leading Australian research body AgriFutures (formerly the RIRDC) outlines its research and innovation strategy for the coming five years. It defines Australia’s key strengths, opportunities for improvement and the research and innovation priorities needed to drive value and ensure our agrifood sector continues to thrive into the future.
Sanitarium development and innovation research projects – Dr John Ashton (Sanitarium)
Sanitarium’s Head of Research talks about Australia’s iconic health food brand and why it chooses to collaborate with university scientists on cutting-edge research under Future Food Systems CRC.
Wang, Y. and Selomulya, C. “Food rheology applications of large amplitude oscillation shear (LAOS)”, Trends in Food Science & Technology (Volume 127, Sept 2022, pp 221-244)
This paper in Trends in Food Science and Technology details the findings of research conducted by Dr Yong Wang and Prof. Cordelia Selomulya, from UNSW’s School of Chemical Engineering, into applications of Large Amplitude Oscillation Shear (LAOS). LAOS, a promising method for food processing and formulation, is not yet widely used in food rheology due to uncertainty about which LAOS tools to deploy for specific applications. This paper provides food manufacturers with much-needed information about the most suitable LAOS analytical tools to use with different food categories (dough, cheese, confectionery); formats (emulsion, foam) and components (proteins, polysaccharides, and fats).
Shanan Birkin (Abundant Natural Health) & Tony Crimmins (EcoMag)
Shanan Birkin from CRC industry partner EcoMag’s sister company, Abundant Natural Health, is producing a range of natural pain relief treatments and nutraceuticals based on high-grade magnesium ingredients spray-dried at scale by EcoMag for US Chain Walmart, among others.
Collaboration in process improvement: Spray-drying of EcoMag magnesium-based products at UNSW – Dr Tam Tran (EcoMag)
Dr Tran talks about the CRC project that’s enabling EcoMag to deliver commercial quantities of high-grade Mg ingredients to two of the US’s largest franchises: CVS and Walmart.
Next-generation protected cropping facilities
This report reviews current best practices and technology for protected cropping facilities and explores research trends in the sector as first steps towards advancing the technological capabilities of Australia’s indoor horticultural industry and delivering solutions that meet Southern Hemisphere industry-specific needs.
Understanding the Food Innovation Ecosystem in Coffs Harbour
Understanding the Food Innovation Ecosystem in Coffs Harbour.
Synthesis of Independent National Dialogues: Report 3
The UN Food Systems Summit Dialogues Programme in 2021 engaged more than 100,000 people around the world, contributing their views on action towards positive change for food systems.
Luminescent Light Emitting Agricultural Film (LLEAF): The next evolution of protected cropping to increase crop productivity sustainably – Dr Alex Soeriyadi
LLEAF P/L CEO Dr Alex Soeriyadi is working with Hort Innovation, DPI and Western Sydney University scientists to trial his prototype agricultural films on glasshouse-grown blueberry and lettuce crops. Here, he explains how it all works.
Analytical techniques for value-added solutions – Dr Ruey-Leng Loo
Dr Ruey-Leng Loo, part of the expert team at Murdoch University’s world-leading Australian National Phenome Centre, leads the CRC’s flagship ‘Metabolomic food library’ project, producing detailed ‘chemical fingerprints’ of Western Australian food products that prove their provenance and nutritional credentials. Here, she explains how the process works and why it will help producers’ bottom lines.
Mapping protected cropping systems in Australia, industry engagement featuring the PCS Survey – Craig Shephard & Joel McKechnie
Mapping protected cropping systems in Australia, industry engagement featuring the PCS Survey
Remote sensing technology in protected cropping – Mark Cardamis & Dr Yimeng Feng
Remote sensing technology in protected cropping
Sowing seeds to grow the Coffs Coast food ecosystem – Dr Ozgur Dedehayir
Hear Dr Ozgur from the Queensland University of Technology talk about the recently completed project 'Understanding the Food Innovation Ecosystem in Coffs Harbour'
General purpose digital infrastructure enabling cross-border trade – Adj. Prof. Warwick Powell
Hear BeefLedger Chair Warwick Powell discuss the ‘Smart trade’ team’s blockchain-backed digital platform and its potential to streamline cross-border trade.
2020/2021 Annual Report
The Future Food Systems CRC 2020/2021 Annual Report provides an overview of project achievements, financials, CRC case studies and highlights of the second year of operation.
Industry Guest Lecture (Kairu Qu from COFCO NHRI)
Industry Guest Lecture (Kairu Qu from COFCO NHRI)
State-of-the-art metabolomics food library launched in Western Australia
Media release
Scientists at Murdoch University’s Australian National Phenome Centre (ANPC) are embarking on a project with Bruker BioSpin and SMEs across Western Australia to create unique chemical fingerprinting methods for WA produce as part of the Future Food Systems CRC.
Circular Food Futures: What Will They Look Like?
This original paper from consultant town planner and author of Rethinking the City, Steven Liaros explores how circular economy (CE) debates might contribute to, and support, the changes needed for a sustainable future.
What is blockchain?
A two-minute introduction to distributed ledger technology.
FOOD COLD CHAIN OPTIMISATION: Improving energy productivity using real time food condition monitoring through the chain
Compiled by the AAEP, with funding from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, this 2017 report investigates factors that must be taken into account in any effort to improve cold-chain management in Australia, and explores the deployment of sensor technology, data monitoring and IoT to provide better identification of temperature control issues along the supply chain from packing room to retail shelf – particularly for temperature-sensitive, perishable and high-value goods. Issues of shelf life, spoilage and safety are key concerns. Potential savings are significant. Technology will enable end-to-end traceability and eventually, tools like disposable sensors embedded in product packaging yielding real-time end-to-end temperature readings.
ANFAB Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Australian Native Food and Botanicals (ANFAB), previously operating as ANFIL - Australia Native Food Industry Limited, is the peak national body representing the interests of this rapidly growing sector. ANFAB worked with industry, federal and state governments, and other organisations to determine and prioritise the R&D and market development strategies required to progress the industry, as detailed in this document. The vision? To transform Australia’s native foods and botanicals sector into a globally successful national industry that is culturally inclusive, sustainable, ethical, agile and profitable.
Pivot: Diversifying Australia’s Trade and Investment Profile
In recent decades, Australia’s exports have been driven by growth in demand from East Asia, particularly China, which has contributed significantly to our national prosperity. However, concentration of Australia’s export markets may reduce our economic resilience and could expose us to political and security risks. While Australia has capitalised on its natural advantages to grow its exports, particularly in the resources and agricultural sectors, a low level of economic diversity in Australia’s exports may create longer-term challenges for economic growth. This report explores export diversity and makes recommendations to government as to how this can be encouraged.
How to Transform Food Systems: 7 Calls to Action
This document was initially prepared by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food ‘to stimulate an understanding of critical issues related to food systems reform, inform individual member foundations, and guide Global Alliance collective action’. The Alliance has made it publicly available to inspire discussion about sustainable food systems reform.
Towards a Common Understanding of Sustainable Food Systems: Key approaches, concepts and terms
This report published by a task group of the SFS Programme including the Swiss Government, CIHEAM, FAO, IFOAM - Organics, INRAE, Nestlé, UNEP, UN Nutrition and USDA, aims to ‘promote a common understanding of key approaches, concepts and terms related to sustainable food systems among a broad range of stakeholders, globally, as a ‘foundation for joint problem-solving’.
Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme
The SFS Programme is a multi-stakeholder partnership focused on catalysing more sustainable patterns of food consumption and production. Its partners collaborate on initiatives ranging from normative, advocacy and policy support activities to research and development projects and implementation activities that address our food systems challenges.
Food Trends of the Future
In 20 years, will we swap beef for crickets, 3-D print food or grow leafy greens on vertical farms in our cities? And what will changes in our diet mean for Australia’s agrifood sector? CSIRO’s Kate Langford looks at the trends and reports on key trends in food production and consumer dietary preferences.
Smart glass impacts stomatal sensitivity of greenhouse Capsicum through altered light
This papers compares the stomatal responses of Capsicum plants grown hydroponically under control glass (70% diffuse light) or the smart glass (SG) film ULR-80, which blocked >50% of short-wave radiation and ~9% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR).
Light‑altering cover materials and sustainable greenhouse production of vegetables: a review
This paper reviews the studies on advanced greenhouse cover materials with variable light transmittance, the effects of which on leaf photosynthesis, physiology, and yield. It also provides insights into the potential key biological processes of crops responding to these light changes, specifically light receptors, signal transduction, nutrient biosynthesis pathways during fruit development and ripening.
Australian native rice commercialisation
Although currently not commercially available, Australian native rice has potential as a high-nutrient, culturally identified food.
Food Trends of the Future
In 20 years, will we swap beef for crickets, 3-D print food or grow leafy greens on vertical farms in our cities? And what will changes in our diet mean for Australia’s agrifood sector? CSIRO’s Kate Langford looks at the trends and reports on key trends in food production and consumer dietary preferences.
Intensive Berry Production Using Greenhouses, Substrates and Hydroponics: Is this the way forward?
PCA’s Nicky Mann, 2014 Nuffield Farming Scholar, used her bursary to study indoor berry production across the world. She came back with numerous insights and suggestions for targeted R&D.
‘Protected cropping’: NSW DPI research reports/information
Outlines the findings of NSW Government Department of Primary Industry (DPI) research into protected-cropping, covering everything from optimal irrigation regimes in hydroponic crops to implementing integrated pest and disease management in greenhouses.
Sustaining Australia: Food and Grocery Manufacturing 2030
This report was compiled by the leading industry body for Australia’s food and grocery manufacturing sector, with economic analysis from Warren Hogan of EQ Economics. The report provides in-depth analysis of the sector, identifying opportunities and vulnerabilities. It outlines the investment and policy decisions required to ensure the sector thrives, at home and in export markets. The report includes recommendations on long-term industry strategy, investment incentives, workforce skills, regulatory reform, digital labelling, retailer-supplier relationships and export growth strategy.
Plant-based and cell-cultured proteins: research and grant funding opportunities database
Global non-profit group the Good Food Institute’s research grants and database gives interested parties access to the latest research in plant-based and cell-cultured alternative proteins, and to an array of research grant funding opportunities.
GFI 2020 Annual Report
GFI’s latest annual report looks at achievements and milestones in the plant-based foods space from across the globe over 2020. The UK-based Good Food Institute (GFI) engages companies across the supply chain, from start-ups to conventional meat firms, food businesses, major restaurant chains and retailers, as well as scientists, policymakers, investors and entrepreneurs.
Food for the Future: Showcasing Collaboration
A report from the UK’s National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) highlighting university and business partnerships formed to help Britain acquire the capability to produce enough nutritious food, sustainably, to feed future generations.
New WA Food Innovation Precinct to drive growth of high-quality value-added food products in Australia’s West
Media release
Construction of the Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct has commenced, with an official ‘turning of the sod’ ceremony held on site on the morning of Thursday 20 May, and an industry launch of the precinct and accompanying Enterprise Support Program at the adjacent Bushfire Centre of Excellence in the afternoon.
Namoi Investment Prospectus: North West New South Wales
Agricultural investment opportunities in the Namoi, NSW’s Northern Inland region, abound, thanks to the reliable volume of premium-quality agricultural output available. This provides the scale and continuity of throughput needed to support further processing and value-adding activity. This, in turn, ensures that a larger proportion of economic growth from agriculture can be retained in the region.
2020 State of the Industry: Australia’s Plant-Based Meat Sector
This report covers the story of Australia’s plant-based meat sector over the 2020 Financial Year.
Protected Cropping Toolkit
A series of practical, informational videos from Protected Cropping Australia, the main industry body for Australia’s protected cropping operators, large and small. Topics covered include: Layout & Planning, Greenhouse Set-Up, Irrigation, Nutrient Management, Cleaning and Sanitation and Pests & Diseases.
Reports, publications and fact sheets
An array of useful information for growers from the peak industry body for Australia’s horticulture sector, an estimated 30 per cent of which consists of low-, medium- and high-tech commercial protected-cropping operations that range from major growers to boutique operations located across all states and territories. PC operators grow a broad variety of fruits and vegetables including blueberries, strawberries, rubus (raspberries, blackberries), tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, capsicum, salad (including Asian) greens, herbs, chillies, eggplant and more.
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2019/20
Information on the four subsectors listed above are available to download free of charge as four separate pdf documents.
Improvements of plant protein functionalities by Maillard conjugation and Maillard reaction products
This review covers recent advances in plant-derived protein modification using Maillard conjugation, including different pretreatments to modify the functionality and bioactivity of plant proteins and their potential uses in practice. An overview of different properties of conjugates and MRPs, including food safety aspects, is given.
Asia Alt 100: Asia’s top protein disruptors
Global non-profit and alternative proteins advocate GFI publishes this oft-updated interactive map of the alt-proteins landscape in Asia: major players, trending products, etc, hyperlinked for ease of contact.
Protected cropping
Current technologies and target crops
Smart crop monitoring
Precise phenotyping for improved quality and protected cropping management
Australian agrifood hubs
Industry cluster and precinct approaches
Policy brief: Connecting food systems for co-benefits: How can food systems combine diet-related health with environmental and economic policy goals?
This publication examines how food systems can combine diet-related health with environmental and economic policy goals.
Australian native rice commercialisation
Australian native rice has potential as a high-value, low-volume, Indigenous culturally-identified, nutritious food, but currently it is not commercially available. There is strong interest among Australian Indigenous communities in enterprises based on native plant species and growing interest in native plant foods among consumers.
Sanitarium and UNSW breaking new ground in plant-based product segments
Media release
The Future Food Systems Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) has welcomed Australia’s longest-established plant-based health-food manufacturer, Sanitarium Health Food Company™, into its consortium of industry, government and research partners.
Digital Opportunities for Better Agricultural Policies, Chapter 2. Digital innovations and the growing importance of agricultural data
This chapter, part of OECD publication Digital Opportunities for Better Agricultural Policies, published September 2019, details recent advances in digital technologies and analyses key drivers of digitalisation in the agriculture sector.
Plant-Based Meat Mind Maps: An Exploration of Options, Ideas and Industry
An array of new products formulated to mimic beef, chicken and pork, use plant protein – typically, extracts from soy or pea – as their base ingredients
‘Alternative Proteins: The Race for Market Share Is On.’
In this recent report, McKinsey & Co. survey future opportunities and likely market share for the array of alternative proteins on the market and in development.
The Changing Landscape of Protein Production: Opportunities and challenges for Australian agriculture
The expanding plant-based protein industry could unlock opportunities for Australian agrifood producers, contends this February 2020 report.
Food and Agribusiness Sector Competitiveness Plan (SCP), 2020
FIAL's SCP roadmap details the inputs and outputs needed to achieve its vision for Australia's food and agribusiness sector.
Hungry for Plant-Based: Australian Consumer Insights
This 2019 consumer survey examines the factors driving an expected rise in demand for plant-based foods and alternative proteins across Australia in coming years.
AgriFoodTech 2020 Mid-Year Investment Review
AgFunder's mid-year review of agrifood-tech investment in 2020 takes the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic into account.
Chemical Engineering Impact in Australia (Volumes 1 and 2)
ICHEME has released two volumes of case studies detailing research from around Australia that demonstrates the positive impact of chemical engineering on health, safety and sustainability.
How many people can Australia feed?
Could Australia double the number of people it feeds by 2061? The Conversation says yes, provided we adopt three strategies: increase productivity, reduce food waste and eat more sustainably.
ABARES Insights: Australia’s place in Global Agriculture and Food Value Chains
This ABARES Insights 'snapshot' examines the position Australia occupies in global food and agriculture value chains.
ASEAN 2020 AgriFoodTech Investment Report
AgFunder's inaugural ASEAN agrifood-tech start-up investment report looks at the categories and investors driving this nascent industry across South-East Asia.
Food, Planet, Health: Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems
The global adoption of healthy diets from sustainable food systems would safeguard our planet and improve the health of billions, argues the EAT-Lancet Commission in this compelling report.
National Hydrogen Roadmap: Pathways to an economically sustainable hydrogen industry in Australia
This CSIRO publication outlines the way forward for Australia’s clean hydrogen industry, and looks at our potential to develop an economically sustainable domestic and export hydrogen industry.
Rethinking Food and Agriculture 2020-2030: The Second Domestication of Plants and Animals, the Disruption of the Cow, and the Collapse of Industrial Livestock Farming
This report by independent US-based thinktank RethinkX looks at the disruption modern food-product, logistics and other technology will cause to future food products and systems.
AFGC State of the Industry Report 2019
The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) compiled this report using ABS statistics to give a snapshot of the industry and its key drivers.
FMCG and retail value chains: The future of supply chain data
This report from the Australian Food and Grocery Council and KPMG looks at six key issues and challenges with regard to managing data in complex retail supply chains. Compiled pre-pandemic, it's equally apt today.
EcoMag seeks $1.5b opportunity in global market for high-purity Mg salts
Media release
In a two-year, multi-stage project with the Future Food Systems CRC, specialty chemical producer EcoMag will work with UNSW Sydney chemical engineers to help it scale up operations and capture lucrative opportunities in the high-value ‘base ingredients’ space.
‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Meat.’
According to this 2019 Barclays report, alternative proteins could capture 10 per cent of the global meat market by 2030 and be worth a cool US$85 billion.
Capturing the Prize: The A$200 billion opportunity in 2030 for the Australian food and agribusiness sector
This report from the Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre, FIAL, identifies 19 opportunities that could boost the value-addition capability of Australia's agrifood sector to $200b+ p.a. by 2030.
2019/2020 Annual Report
The Future Food Systems CRC 2019/2020 Annual Report provides an overview of project achievements, financials, the CRC inception process and highlights of the first half year of operation.
Gut Microbiome: Best Practices
This discussion, part of North America’s NUTRITION 2020 conference, is focused on recent developments in our understanding of the human gut microbiome.
Alternative proteins and the future of meat
In this short and pithy video, four experts from global marketing company McKinsey share their views and forecasts about the evolving meat and protein market.
Could Alternative Proteins be a Solution to Fight Climate Change?
This lively panel discussion about actual and potential alternative sources of protein formed part of the EAT Stockholm Food Forum 2019.
The Circular Economy – An explainer
This comprehensive report gives an overview of the circular economy concept, discussing recent research and developments in the circular-economy space and challenges to its implementation.
Light‐limited photosynthesis under energy‐saving film decreases eggplant yield
Light‐limited photosynthesis under energy‐saving film decreases eggplant yield
Game-changing ‘nutritional fingerprinting’ research
Game-changing ‘nutritional fingerprinting’ research enables accurate early intervention to combat world’s costliest diseases
Identifying unknown metabolites using NMR-based metabolic profiling techniques
Identifying unknown metabolites using NMR-based metabolic profiling techniques
Dietary metabotype modelling predicts individual responses to dietary interventions
Dietary metabotype modelling predicts individual responses to dietary interventions
Maridulu Budyari Gumal : The Sphere
SPHERE: Working together for good health and wellbeing
Michael E. Porter’s diamond model: how national industries get the edge globally
US academic and thought leader Michael E Porter's model explaining why particular industries in particular nations or localities become stars on the global stage.
Food and Agribusiness: A Roadmap for unlocking value-adding growth opportunities for Australia
CSIRO's roadmap, detailing the way forward for Australia's food and agribusiness sector if it is to realise its full potential and identifying five key 'growth enablers'.
Size of the Prize: An Overview of 16 Opportunities for Australian Food & Agribusinesses
FIAL's Overview of 16 Opportunities for Australian Food & Agribusinesses
Life cycle engineering
Life cycle engineering text to come
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