Established in November 1997, P’Petual was a pioneer in greenhouse farming in Australia. Today, it’s one of the largest greenhouse vegetable growers in the country, with a 12-hectare (120,000m2) facility on the Adelaide Plains, just north of South Australia’s capital. The company grows and markets a wide variety of greenhouse-grown tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants year-round, selling to supermarket chains and greengrocers nationwide. Its specialised equipment includes climate-control computers that precisely record and regulate environmental factors such as heating, fogging, shade, irrigation and plant nutrition requirements. The company adopts ‘green farming’ practices such as an intensive integrated pest management (IPM) program and the latest water-recycling and CO2-capture technologies to minimise negative environmental impacts. P’Petual brings extensive experience in sustainable greenhouse production and technology to projects under the CRC’s Research Program 2.