Following the success of the inaugural 2020 event, attended by 180 delegates from 40 countries, Zenith Global returns this year with an expanded second Vertical Farming World Congress.
Bringing together vertical farming operators, investors, suppliers and customers, the event will again focus on key issues in vertical farming and work towards sector advancement.
The 2nd Vertical Farming World Congress includes two days of conference sessions in which sector leaders, innovators, advisers, investors and suppliers share insights and information via presentations, interviews and interactive panel discussions.
The event also incorporates an industry policy forum, customer and investor panels, sponsor presentations and an awards ceremony as well as virtual vertical farm tours.
Extensive networking opportunities, from Welcome receptions to group workshops and networking breaks, are designed to give delegates plenty of time to connect (albeit virtually) with industry peers.

Greenbio Group’s vertical farming facility in south-east Brisbane. Credit: Greenbio Group
Conference highlights
Some of the highlights of this year’s conference include:
- an industry leadership panel with InFarm, Kalera, Plenty and YesHealth;
- market opportunity and strategy sessions with HortAmericas, Rabobank, VeggiTech and Vertical Future;
- crop and technology innovation sessions with Better Origin, BoomGrow, Gardin, Grow Group IFS, Swegreen and Vertical Field;
- an exploration of US innovation from 80 Acres Farms, Brick Street Farms, Bowery Farming and Fork Farms;
- a science briefing from NASA on vegetable production at the International Space Station;
- an industry policy forum with industry associations from Africa, Japan, the UK and US, and the Association for Vertical Farming and FarmTech Society;
- representation from regional pioneers AgroUrbana (Chile), UrbanKisaan (India) and 808 Factory (Japan);
- customer and investor panels with Equilibrium Capital, IKEA, KPMG, Metro and S2G Ventures; and
- sponsor presentations from Cubic Farm Systems Corp, IGS Limited and Vertical Future.
View the full conference program.
View the full line-up of speakers.
Other event highlights
Other Congress highlights include:
- An Agritecture workshop on planning an urban farming business (optional add-on);
- Virtual visits to some of the world’s most innovative and successful vertical farms;
- the opportunity to present within a ‘Vertical Ventures’ session;
- the announcement and presentation of the 2021 Vertical Farming World Awards; and
- the chance to forge and foster connections at the conference Welcome and networking receptions.
View the virtual event preview
Read testimonials from attendees of previous Vertical Farming World Congress events.
Registration and further information
For more information about the Congress, visit the event web page.